There's no I in chor-"us"
More is accomplished when people work together.
Is your chorus struggling to maintain audience numbers or community support? Is there a lack of men and young people? Do you need more volunteers for administrative tasks? Or perhaps the group just needs to regain its joie de vive and creativity?
Many years ago, you had hundreds of committed singers packing venues. But no need for nostalgia--the "glory days" are here and now.
The Long Island Choral Consortium believes that--with better communication and collaboration--choruses can exceed membership and financial goals by working together. Moreover, a breadth of human resources allows groups to extend beyond their usual program offerings.
Why not have a couple different conductors or keyboardists at the same concert, to distribute responsibility and to keep the music fresh and eclectic. If you advertise my concert, I'll advertise yours--together we make sure that the dates don't conflict and we both increase attendance. This chorus can offer an orchestra and that chorus has a full bass section, so combine on a concert: a happy marriage! If one director fancies the Magnificat and the other is into Broadway and another composes, let each take just one concert a year. Then there's time left over to begin a talent showcase or a training program or a choir for children. The possibilities are endless.
The surplus of avocational choruses on Long Island is not sustainable. Many (perhaps yours) continue to suffer decline unless... we open the doors and let each other in. The Long Island Choral Consortium is at your service. Let's build something.
The Consortium will host an introductory meeting December 10 1:00 at First Parish Church in Riverhead. For a full calendar of Long Island choral events, click here.
So that the Consortium may better serve you, click here to answer a few questions regarding your choral needs.
For information on Long Island choruses, click here.